Monday, March 2, 2009


This sighting happened when I was about 13 or 14 years old….in the mid-60’s. It must have been the weekend before Thanksgiving, because my recently married sister was over to our house to borrow pots, pans, cookie sheets and other things she needed to prepare Thanksgiving dinner. Her and her husband lived only about 3 or 4 miles away, and she drove over in their 55 Ford to get those items and I was going to ride back with her. Because that car was not licensed, we always took the back roads.

From my fathers house we would have gone about ¼ mile West to a T-intersection, turned right and would then have gone about a ½ mile to another T-intersection and turned left to get to her house. Directly behind that 2nd T was a farm house and buildings. What I am going to describe now I remember like looking at a picture…there was no movement. All I remember is the car was already stopped and both my sister and I were standing next to the car, with the doors open, we were kind of between the door and the car, like we were just stepping out. In front of us we could see the farm house and buildings, and the farmer out in the field behind the house on his tractor. I remember the day was bright sunshine with blue skies, and the tractor was orange. What we were looking at, and in fact I’m sure the reason we stopped, was in the sky there was a saucer shaped craft, slowly moving from left to right, and kind of wobbling. That wobble is the only movement I can remember in the whole episode. Now, what I find so strange about this was while it happened when I was maybe 13 years old, I did not remember it until in my late 20’s. One day it just all of a sudden came to me, just popped into my head. I thought many times about talking to my sister about it, to see if she remembered it, but I never did.

The second sighting came to me as a dream, but it was one of those dreams that you just know there is more to it. I would have been 17 at the time. After school I worked the 3:00 to 11:00 shift at a gas station, then drove home about 14 miles. I had a 1960 Chev Convertible, which of course had a plastic back window, which was common on convertibles at the time. I remember being only about 2 miles away from the gas station and rounding a corner from one US highway onto another when I saw flashing lights behind me. I thought it was the cops, and started pulling over to the shoulder. As I looked back over my right shoulder and through the plastic rear window I could see red, white and yellow flashing lights behind me. (At the time, all police cars had only red “gum balls”) As I stopped and looked back again, those lights came right up behind me and then over the top of the car….that is the last I remember. At this time, I can not recall exactly when I had that dream, but it seems like it was a few years later.

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