Monday, November 30, 2009

An Update

I haven’t done much on here for a while, and just thought that in case anyone ever does read any of this stuff, I’d do an update.
Eve and I, and of course Precious and the Kitty have been out on the road since early August. That’s almost four months now and we are in a smaller truck than I ever had before when they were all along. I think in another couple months we will have enough down to buy our own truck again, but for now things are a little crowded. Work is still a bit slow, but we are saving about $1,000.00 a week on average and if the economy picks up and people start buying things again, that should increase a lot.
It feels good to have them along, not nearly so lonely…and I am enjoying the cold weather cause all four of us are packed into the one bed. The Kitty will sleep on top of us on the colder nights, precious generally gets between Eve and I, or between Eve and the wall. The Kitty has also started sleeping on my lap everyday when I’m driving. I think most days if I drive 10 hours, the Kitty is on my lap for 6 or 7 of them.
I have also joined another Forum. I was a member of a Filipino-American forum for a few years when Eve and I first met, and until shortly after she arrived in this country, and I belonged to a Corvette forum when I had my Corvette…but I’m not normally one for joining things like that. I recently joined a forum about the assassination of John Kennedy. It is something that I have always had an interest in, and through the years have read everything I came across about it, but belonging to that forum takes it to a whole different level.
Eve’s niece is now in her 3rd year of nursing school and doing well. I am very proud of her, the first in her family to even get to high school, much less college. Being poor in a poor country is something few people in this one can understand.
2012 is not far away, and I’m wondering what really will happen. My belief is the years between 2010 and 2012 will bring some dramatic changes, but what those changes will be I could not guess. All my life I have said that if I could live to see the day when first contact is made, it would be the greatest thing I could imagine…perhaps that will be it, or perhaps our government and other world governments will finally disclose what they have known for many years and have kept from the population.
One final thing. Every time I start feeling sorry for myself, I try to remember that there are millions of people in this world who would jump at the chance to change places with me. That feeling was heightened again when I started reading Roots. I had read it before, but many years ago, and if anyone thinks their life is unfair, or hard, I thoroughly recommend reading it.

1 comment:

M3g4d37h said...

gary, come back to bnn. george's ass is history, and you were always an interesting guy.

just food for thought.